Here was my attempt at creating a cocktail of Photography with a bit of Adobe Lightroom tricks. Recently I picked up Color grading lessons in Lightroom. Even though I primarily use Photoshop CC for most of my work, Lightroom is quite handy for lightweight jobs. I’m also fond of Pinterest and follow home photography ideas. This wasn’t precisely out of Pinterest, but I just happened to recollect some old stuff and thought of experimenting over the weekend.
My Canon 50mm prime lens has a sufficiently fast shutter speed. Combined with a wide aperture of 1.4f, it never disappoints. It produces excellent depth of field. The continuous mode isn’t super fast (I got an entry-level Canon 600D body), but it did well for my act. I just ensured there was sufficient natural light for the subject. I required some help on the drop task, and who else but my little assistance at home?! We would have captured close to 100 shots spread over 8-10 splash acts, and I managed getting some results to my satisfaction.
For post-processing, I needed to crop the shots as I was primarily interested in the focus for sharper results and not much on the framing while shooting. Over that, I worked on some background darkening and played a bit with the white balance, exposures, and contrast. Here are some of the picks …